Circuit Clerk

Circuit Clerk
P.O. Box 305
1483 Main St.
Fayette, MS 39069
Telephone: 601-786-3422
Fax: 601-786-9676
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Welcome to the Jefferson County Circuit Clerk web page! Here you will find information about our office and descriptions of our duties, plus our office address, telephone numbers, and email address. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.
The Circuit Clerk serves as Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts, receives and files all lawsuits, indictments, motions and other related papers in all Civil and Criminal Cases filed in the Circuit or County Courts and issues all process including summons and subpoenas, draws jurors and qualifies juries, keeps a record of all judgments and executions, issues marriage licenses and keeps records of marriages, records medical and other professional licenses, issues passports, and registers citizens to vote and has other duties in handling elections.
Chief Deputy Clerks
- Mrs. Jackie S. Jackson
Deputy Clerks
- Miss Shada Clark
- Miss Brenda Odems
Fee Schedule
1. Advance Court Costs, payable to the Circuit Clerk, on all original Complaints or Petitions | $161.00 |
2. Civil Appeals from the lower Courts | $161.00 |
3. Criminal Appeals from the lower Courts | $106.00 |
4. Enrolling Foreign Judgments | $146.00 |
5. Cases passed to the files and/or dismissed and later reinstated by the Court | $86.00 |
6. Cases received on Change of Venue | $86.00 |
7. Garnishments, examination of Judgment Debtor, Notice of or Motion for Renewal of Judgment or Decree and Executions | $35.00 |
8. Enrolling Judgments from other Mississippi Courts | $5.00 |
9. Cancellation of Judgment | $1.00 |
10. Records Search for and Certified Copy of Marriage License | $18.00 |
Each additional Certified Copy | $6.00 |
11. Marriage License Application | $37.00 |
12. Certified Copy under Acts of Congress | $25.00 |
13. Certified copy of any document on file with the Circuit Clerk | $2.00 |
14. Issuing Subpoena Duces Tecum Post Judgment | $1.00 |
15. Issuing Foreign Subpoenas (formerly letters rogatory) | $2.00 |
16. Survey of the Civil and/or Criminal Docket, conducted by the clerk for each individual name | $10.00 |
17. Filing and Indexing Licenses (Bail Bonding, Medical, etc.) | $3.00 |
18. Criminal Court Costs will vary according to charge, bond, etc. | Please contact Clerk for details. |
19. Petition for Expungement | Please contact Clerk for details. |