Purchasing Department
Tamika Smith, Receiving Clerk
Telephone: 601-786-8741
Email: jcbsswilson@bellsouth.net
Mississippi law mandates that all counties operate a Central Purchasing Office. Jefferson County’s Purchasing Department has sole responsibility for purchasing all equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials, and services use by any office or department of the County except for those offices or departments whose expenditures are not required by law to be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
It is the policy of Jefferson County Purchasing Department to provide all vendors with a fair equitable and competitive opportunity to sell equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials, and services to the County.

Vendors seeking to sell to Jefferson County should first contact the Purchasing Department – not the office or department that will be the end user of their product or service. This process helps ensure that the vendor has a complete understanding of the pertinent state purchasing laws as well as Jefferson County’s purchasing policies.
Jefferson County’s Purchasing Department has an open-door policy and complies with both the letter and spirit of Mississippi Open Records Act. Any citizen or vendor is welcome to observe the operation of the department during normal business hours.
Jefferson County is now accepting online bids! To view open purchase requests, click here.